Self-Guided Trekking Terms and Conditions

General and specific terms and conditions of sale for self-guided trips

Last updated 7th October 2024


Ce voyage est vendu par Ian Huyton, agissant sous le nom commercial "White Marmotte"

The price of the trip is as stated on the proposal document.

The trip is a bespoke self-guided package tour, meeting the criteria described in the proposal. The price per person is dependent on the agreed number of people booking

To reserve a place on this trip, a deposit of the amount specified in the proposal document must be paid to White Marmotte. The remainder of the price must be paid no later than two months before the start of the trip. If the balance payment is not received by this date, we reserve the right to cancel the booked services or resell the tripto another customer. In this case your deposit will not be refunded.

If a reservation is made less than two months before the start of the trip, the entire balance must be paid at this time.

Payments may be made by credit or debit card using the payment link provided in the email invoice, or by any other means of payment agreed by both parties.

Exigences du voyage

The trip requirements vary according to the precise package you are booking. Daily distances and altitude gains are included in the proposal document, and more information on the type of terrain can be found on our website. All trips involve walking on uneven ground at altitudes of up to at least 2600 metres. It is your responsibility to ensure that you are physically fit and able to participate in this activity.

Children under eighteen

Children under the age of eighteen may participate in bespoke trips when accompanied by a responsible adult, subject to our prior agreement and provided that the trip is suitable. The accompanying adult must take full responsibility for the children under their supervision at all times.


Le trekking dans les Alpes est une activité potentiellement dangereuse avec un risque de blessure grave ou de mort. Les participants aux voyages de la Marmotte Blanche doivent être conscients de ces risques, les accepter et assumer la responsabilité de leurs propres actes pendant le voyage.

White Marmotte

White Marmotte est un nom commercial de Ian Huyton, enregistré en tant qu'entreprise individuelle sous le numéro SIRET 81746607100039. Le nom et le logo White Marmotte sont des marques déposées auprès de l'INPI sous le numéro d'enregistrement 4538319.

Ian Huyton est un tour opérateur enregistré en auprès d'Atout France sous le numéro d'immatriculation IM038220006 conformément à l'article R. 211-21 du Code du Tourisme.

Tous les fonds versés à Ian Huyton / White Marmotte sont protégés par une garantie financière fournie par Groupama Assurance-Crédit & Caution sous le numéro de contrat 4000717935/0 conformément aux articles R.211-26 et R.211-29 du Code du Tourisme.

White Marmotte / Ian Huyton est couvert par une assurance responsabilité civile fournie par VHF Assurance France sous le numéro de contrat FR11-RCE22P00010, jusqu'à un maximum de 20 000 000 € par an et 10 000 000 € par sinistre.

Modifications et annulations

You may cancel your booking by informing us by email, telephone or in writing as soon as you become aware that you would like to cancel. If you cancel more than two months before the trip, you will forfeit your deposit and any other amounts paid will be refunded to you. If you cancel less than two months before the start of the trip we will not normally be able to offer a refund.

Si vous souhaitez transférer la réservation à une autre personne, veuillez nous en informer dès que possible. Si l'autre personne répond aux critères d'âge et de condition physique, nous serons heureux de transférer la réservation sans frais.

Si vous souhaitez transférer votre réservation à un autre voyage de la Marmotte Blanche, veuillez nous contacter pour discuter de vos options et nous essaierons de vous faciliter la tâche dans la mesure du possible.

Vos responsabilités

This trip takes place in a potentially dangerous Alpine mountain environment at altitudes up to around 2800 metres above sea level. Parts of the trip may pass through remote areas with no mobile phone signal. To ensure your safety, we ask you to adhere to the following:

  • Lisez attentivement la check-list fournie et assurez-vous d'apporter tout le matériel et les vêtements nécessaires.
  • Assurez-vous que votre condition physique est suffisante pour le séjour que vous avez réservé.
  • Read and make use of the supplied trip notes and navigation information.
  • Ne vous comportez pas d'une manière qui présente un danger pour vous-même ou pour les autres.

If you are unable to continue with the trip due to illness or injury, we will assist you to return to your start or finish point (e.g. Geneva airport), or to a nearby town. In this case we shall not be liable for any transport or accommodation costs and you will not be entitled to a refund. Your travel insurance may cover costs in this instance. If mountain rescue is required, your insurance will be expected to cover any costs incurred.

Vous êtes responsable de vos propres biens pendant le séjour, y compris, mais sans s'y limiter, les appareils mobiles, les cartes bancaires, l'argent personnel et tout autre objet de valeur.

Although we will provide telephone assistance where possible, you are ultimately responsible for your own safety on a self-guided trip.

Notre service

The service provided by White Marmotte is outlined in the proposal document. It typically includes the following:

  • Shared return transfers from Geneva airport.
  • Hotel or mountain refuge accommodation
  • All breakfasts, evening meals as specified
  • Bus and taxi transport required during the trip
  • Baggage transfer if required
  • Detailed route information including step-by-step navigation and alternative routes
  • GPX files

The service does not include insurance, guiding, food or drink other than the meals mentioned, or anything else not mentioned in the proposal.

Data Protection

Les données personnelles transmises à White Marmotte seront conservées en toute sécurité et utilisées dans le but de fournir le séjour que vous avez réservé. Ces informations comprennent votre nom, votre adresse électronique, votre numéro de téléphone, les détails de votre assurance voyage, les coordonnées de la personne à contacter en cas d'urgence et les détails du voyage ou du vol.

Toutes les données détenues par White Marmotte seront conservées conformément à la législation française et européenne en matière de protection des données.

Infectious diseases

Depending on the programme booked, the trip may include nights sleeping in shared dormitories, particularly for nights in mountain refuges. Meals in these accommodations are typically served at large communal tables. Although all our accommodation providers will follow current health regulations in their respective countries, we cannot guarantee that social distancing measures will continue to be kept in place now that the Covid 19 crisis has passed. For these reasons, we do not recommend trips with dormitory accommodation to people who are more vulnerable to infection by Covid and other infectious diseases.


As you we will not be physically accompanying you on this self-guided package, our insurance will not cover any search and rescue costs, medical charges, or repatriation costs incurred for any reason during the trip.

For this reason, obligatoirement souscrire une assurance accident individuelle which covers alpine trekking up to 3000 metres. It must cover search and rescue, medical and repatriation costs, including helicopter rescue. If you do not have such a policy already, French residents can purchase a suitable policy at

As we cannot offer any refunds for trips cancelled within two months of the start date, due to the expenses we will have to incur after that time, we strongly recommend that customers take out a cancellation insurance policy to cover them in the event that they cannot travel for any reason.